Erin, Abby, Patty, & Holtzmann
- Friends & good causes > isolation & unrewarding work
- Strength in numbers
- Women need to watch out for each other
- Follow your passions, one way or another, even if other people think you’re odd
- As long as you can find a way to get by–even if it your office is in a weird place, your equipment is scrounged, and your secretary fails his “answer the phone” roll every time–stick to your goals
- Public recognition is sweet, but if you have to choose between appreciation and saving the world, saving the world comes first
- Know when to work outside the system and when to work with the system
- When everyone thinks you’re crazy and you know you’re not, power through it
- Dance like you don’t give a flying rat’s ass about who might or might not be watching
- Together, sciences and humanities can Get. Shit. Done.
Erin, Holtzmann, & Abby
- A woman’s place is in the sciences (you know, if she wants it to be)
- The best thing about science is that it’s fun
Erin & Abby
- Old friends are the best friends
- When you’ve found a great collaborator, don’t let them go
- Be willing to change your mind in the face of compelling evidence
- Sometimes you have to go through the slime to get to the glory
- It’s okay to enjoy the eye candy, but…
- Listen to your friends when they tell you to dial it back
- It’s good to cut loose sometimes
- Be willing to give an old friend a second chance
- It’s okay to be grumpy before giving that second chance
- Soup is a girl’s best friend
- A great brain, courage, and dedication > being a size 0
Patty, Holtzmann, & Abby
- Your size–big or small–is part of you: it’s a fine thing because it’s your thing, but it’s also totally inconsequential to your accomplishments
Patty & Holtzmann
- Wear what makes you feel good
- Lateral thinking = win
- Nonfiction is awesome
- Don’t let the asshats get you down
- If you don’t mind a peculiar destination, follow your curiosity
- Invite yourself to the party
- Discretion is the better part of valor (at least when it’s a roomful of nightmares) — or, be the one who’d survive the horror movie
- Be there when your friends need you (to pull them back through the window)
- Sometimes you have to hurt someone to save someone
- Know when to run and get reinforcements
- It can be useful to bring solutions even when the others don’t know there’s a problem
- It’s okay to ask a relative for a favor now and again
- Have confidence in yourself and your own power
- Humanities and social sciences can make significant contributions to scientific endeavors
- Those who do not learn from history are screwed, baby
- If your natural state is eccentricity, run with it
- Scrounging is cool
- Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you have to hold back your facial expressions
- Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you have to sit, stand, or live a certain way
- Yes, those pants DO go with this jacket and this shirt. Why? Because I said so.
- Bring a snack when you go on an adventure
- Practicality is underrated
- Ignore the
radiationdanger in order to accomplish your goals - Anyone can have an extensive shoe collection if they want one
- Take delight in your discoveries and creations
- Use all of your senses
- It’s okay to confound the expectations of others
- It doesn’t matter whether other people think it’s impossible if you know it can work
- Even if you have to talk fast and avert your gaze, telling your friends that you love them may be the best thing you ever do
- Keep ’em on their toes
- Safety lights are for dudes
(Tempting as it is, I promise that I’m not going to turn this into all Ghostbusters all the time–but be warned, I have at least one more post in mind!)